Thursday, April 4, 2013

Let's get started. I am a helper. I enjoy giving advice to friends and family when they think they are just out of answers. I believe there is an answer for every problem. The Answer may not be what you want but it to be but there will be a solution.
I have had a lot of experience in life situations being married twice, having three children and grand kids.
If I can't find an answer to help you I will research until I find a solution to your issues. I am a problem solver and I really want others to be happy and prosper in life and relationships.
I will begin with a few questions from friends over the years and my answers that helped them.
Some of the answers may seem obvious to others but sometimes when you are in the middle of termoil or indecision it is hard to see what is right or logical at that moment. With this in mind here are a few Q & A to get us started.

Q. My girlfriend is doing drugs and I don't know what to do. She is also always drinking and coming home drunk most nights. She is great with the kids and I really love her what should I do?

A. Your girlfriend has an abuse problem from what you are telling me. Suggest that she seeks rehab and you must keep this activity away from your children. If there is a mutual love for each other then I would hope that she sees that she must get help. If this is not the case then you must be strong and demand that if she continues her abuse that you will not be able to continue the relationship. As hard as this will be for you , you owe it to yourself and your children to retreat from this type of  relationship.
Please get yourself some counseling to help you through these tough times if you feel helpless.

Q. I am working and someone skipped out on their bill, what should I do?  call my boss?

A. Definitely call your boss and let him know the circumstances. It is always best to be honest, your boss will respect your decision to let him know what has happened when he is away.